RGG Studio's Rapid Success with Iterative Game Design

RGG Studio’s Rapid Success with Iterative Game Design

In an industry where blockbuster games can take years to develop, RGG Studio is making waves with its speedy release of crime-themed games.

Their secret?

Iterative game design.

RGG Studio is known for continuing a single storyline across multiple games and revisiting familiar locations.

This approach has resulted in ten new games in the last ten years, compared to other studios like Rockstar Games, which released fewer titles.

Masayoshi Yokoyama, the studio director, highlighted their unique approach. 

Instead of reinventing the game with each release, they build upon previous versions, akin to how dramas or movies evolve in linear media content.

RGG Studio’s frequent return to the Japanese nightlife district of Kamurocho allows them to reuse development assets, cutting costs without compromising quality. 

This strategy has led to consistent growth and global appeal.

In their latest game, Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, the addition of Hawaii received rave reviews and achieved record-breaking sales.

This success demonstrates that studios can create outstanding games without taking big risks.

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